CBCB develops three new packages for the Bioconductor project

Apr 08, 2013

The Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (CBCB) has developed three new packages for the Bioconductor project, a premier open-source software system for bioinformatics and computational biology.

'metagenomeSeq' contains tools for finding associations between microbial communities and clinical outcomes in large metagenomic surveys. It was developed as a collaboration between Mihai Pop's and Hector Corrada Bravo's labs at CBCB.

The other two packages - 'antiProfiles' for creating accurate and robust gene expression signatures in cancer and 'bumphunter' for the discovery of spatial genomic features from high-throughput data - were developed by Hector Corrada Bravo in collaboration with the Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health.